The Persecuted Have Become the Persecutors

By Michael J. Talmo July 16, 2024

From the time of the Ancient Roman Empire to our modern era, the Jewish people have been hated and persecuted. They were blamed for every crime and evil that befell the human race, from killing Christian children and using their blood to make matzohs to the bubonic plague that killed over a third of Europe, because, after all, they murdered Christ. Anti-Semites delight in quoting I Thessalonians 2:14-16 where the Apostle Paul states that the Jews “killed the Lord Jesus.” In reality, this passage is a forgery, or, as historians call it, an interpolation. In other words, Paul didn’t write it.

During the Middle Ages, some European and Muslim fiefdoms forced Jewish people to wear colored badges to identify them. In the early 20th century, Nazi Germany copied this tactic. But even prior to Nazi Germany, Jews began to call for a country of their own where they would have a safe haven from hate and persecution and from which they could defend themselves if attacked. The preferred location for this Jewish nation was Palestine, which, according to the Old Testament (the Tanakh in Judaism), was given to them by God. This quest for a Jewish homeland is called Zionism.

The modern Zionist movement was founded by Theodor Herzl (1860-1904), who, oddly enough, wasn’t religious. As explained here, Herzl “spoke neither Hebrew or Yiddish” and “had no Jewish education.” In one of his letters, he wrote: “Everyone should believe in, or not believe in, whatever he wants.”

Originally, the Zionist movement wasn’t popular. Most Jewish people wanted to remain in the countries they lived in and believed in working to overcome any prejudices that existed in them. That is, until the Holocaust, or Shoah. Once that happened, “support for Zionism became nearly universal.” On May 14, 1948, three years after the fall of Hitler’s Third Reich (May 1945), the Jewish State of Israel was born.

But as explained in this United Nations (U.N.) report, THE QUESTION OF PALESTINE, this was accomplished by brutally taking the land from the indigenous Palestinian people who had lived there for centuries.

Like South Africa used to be, Israel has been, and still is, an apartheid state that has oppressed and killed the Palestinian people for over 70 years. How ironic that this Jewish nation became what they hated and feared in the Nazis. I’m not talking about all Jewish people. Like all other people, the overwhelming majority are good and decent human beings. But there are assholes and sadistic psychopaths in every nation, culture, religion, and ethnic group. In this case, it’s the Israeli government, its military, and their supporters that are evil. And that includes the American government, my government, which is allowing the current genocide to continue. But history has taught us that a large percentage of otherwise good people can be misled by fear.

As explained here, while most Israelis dislike Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for numerous reasons, most of them support the genocidal war on Gaza because the attack by Hamas on October 7, 2023, rekindled their fear of persecution and isolation. And since the Jewish people have indeed endured centuries of persecution and discrimination, it’s hard to blame them for taking a bite out of the crazy muffin. Nevertheless, the genocide being perpetrated in their name has killed many thousands of Palestinians, compared to over 1200 Israelis.

The United Nations reports that over 38,000 Palestinians have been killed so far. 14,500 of that number are children, as reported here and here. In fact, as reported here, “Israel killed more children in the first four months of its assault than in all of the world’s conflicts in the past four years combined.” And even though we really can’t know for sure if those numbers are accurate because they mainly come from Hamas, does it really matter? Many thousands have died, even if it’s only half the reported amounts, not to mention the tens of thousands wounded and maimed for life.

Here in the US, things are different. One-third of American Jews view Israel’s war on Palestine as genocide. Over 51% oppose giving arms to Israel. As reported here and here, many of the college students protesting in support of Palestine are Jewish. On March 27, 2024, Gallup reported that 55% of Americans oppose Israel’s military actions against Gaza. Gallup further reported that on the sociopolitical spectrum, as of March 24, 2024, 75% of Democrats oppose Israel’s military action in Gaza, along with 60% of Independents. But only 30% of Republicans oppose what Israel is doing to the people of Gaza. Republicans supposedly want to protect kids from porn and drag queens, but not Palestinian kids from war, starvation, and death. What a bunch of hypocrites!

One of the major reasons my country supports Israel is religion. Many conservative Christians, including many politicians, believe that Israel’s existence is the fulfillment of Bible prophecy and signifies that the second coming of Christ will happen very soon. They are referred to as Christian Zionists. This article will not address whether or not the Bible is true. But according to what it literally says, creating a Jewish state in the Middle East and calling it Israel doesn’t amount to a pile of dog poo.

The Jews are not Israel

Ancient Israel consisted of twelve tribes who were named after the twelve sons of Jacob: Reuben, the eldest, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher, Issachar, Zebulun, Joseph, and Benjamin. Jacob was the grandson of the patriarch Abraham (originally Abram), the first to be called by God after the Flood. Two sets of promises were made to Abraham and the multitudes of descendants who would come from him: the birthright (national greatness) and the scepter (spiritual salvation), Genesis 12:1-3.

The aforementioned promises passed from Abraham to his son Isaac and then to Jacob, whose name was later changed to Israel, which means “God prevails” (Genesis 32:27-28). However, among Jacob/Israel’s twelve sons, the promises were divided. The scepter went to his son, Judah (Genesis 49:10). The birthright went to Joseph, his favorite son (I Chronicles 5:1-2). But there was further division. Joseph had two sons: Manasseh and Ephraim. When Jacob/Israel was on his deathbed, he placed his hands on both children and said, “Let my name be named on them” (Genesis 48:16). As a result, the tribe of Joseph was divided into the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh. So, ancient Israel really consisted of thirteen tribes.

To quote Joshua 14:4:

“For the children of Joseph were two tribes, Manasseh and Ephraim:”

When the Israelites conquered Palestine, back then called Canaan, each tribe was given their own lands and cities. Except for the tribe of Levi, who were the priestly caste. They were only given their own cities. Each tribe maintained its own separate identity. Joshua, chapters 13-19. Under King David and his son Solomon, Israel supposedly became a powerful, nearly 800-mile empire that stretched from the Euphrates River to the Red Sea.

King Solomon taxed his people heavily. After Solomon’s death, his son Rehoboam became king. The people of Israel petitioned him for lower taxes. Rehoboam refused and promised to further increase their taxes. As a result, Israel made Jeroboam of the tribe of Ephraim king. Because of this, and to preserve King David’s dynasty, the tribe of Judah (David’s tribe) seceded from the nation of Israel (I Kings Chapter 12). Since Jerusalem, the capital of Israel, was one of the cities given to the Tribe of Judah, Israel later chose the city of Samaria as their new capital. Jerusalem became the capital of the new, smaller nation.

In order to strengthen the tribe of Judah, God made the tribes of Benjamin and Levi go with them. They became the Kingdom or the House of Judah. It was these three tribes that became known as the Jews. Jew is a nickname for Judah. The other ten tribes now ruled by the tribe of Ephraim were never called Jews. In I Kings 11:29-31, the prophet Ahijah tells Jeroboam that God will give him ten of the thirteen Israeli tribes to rule over. The first time the word Jew is mentioned is in II Kings 16:6. In this chapter, we read that Israel forms an alliance with Syria and makes war with the Jews.

People often incorrectly refer to all of ancient Israel as “the Jews.” But consider this: the USA consists of fifty states. New Yorkers are Americans. But most Americans aren’t New Yorkers. If the USA were destroyed and only New York State remained, it could no longer call itself the United States of America. The people of New York could rightly call themselves Americans, but they would no longer be the United States of America. In the same way, the Jews are Israelites, but Israel itself is the tribe of Joseph, which was divided into the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh. The Kingdom or House of Israel of ancient times also consisted of the other eight tribes. But when Israel is mentioned in prophecy, it’s referring specifically to the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh.

For over two hundred years, the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah co-existed. But the two biggest sins they couldn’t resist committing were sabbath-breaking and idolatry. Upon becoming King of Israel, Jeroboam immediately instituted idol worship in the form of two golden calves (I Kings 12:27-33) because he didn’t want his subjects traveling to the temple in Jerusalem during high holy days, fearing they might be seduced into reuniting with the Kingdom of Judah. In II Kings chapters 17, 21, and 24, we read that the Kingdom of Judah also engaged in idolatry and rejected God. For this reason, God punished both Israel and Judah.

In 721 BC, Israel was conquered by Assyria, who eventually removed the ten tribes from their lands (II Kings 17:1-18). 130 years later, Babylon, under King Nubuchadnezzar, conquered the Kingdom of Judah and removed them from their lands (II Kings, chapters 24 and 25). The armies of the Babylonian Empire, after a two-year siege, took Jerusalem, destroyed the temple built under King Solomon, forced King Zedekiah to watch his family executed, then blinded him, imprisoned him in Babylon, and removed the Jews from their homeland. 70 years later, under the Persian Empire, which had conquered the Babylonian Empire, the Jews were allowed to return home. But the Kingdom of Israel never returned and, unlike the Jews, forgot who they were. They became known as the Ten Lost Tribes.

So, who is Israel? Where did the lost tribes go? The Bible offers some clues. In Genesis 35:11, God tells Jacob, after changing his name to Israel, “a nation and a company of nations shall be of thee.” Going back to chapter 48 of Genesis, when Jacob/Israel specifically put his name on Joseph’s two sons, he said that while Manasseh’s descendants would be a great people/nation, Ephraim, the younger brother’s descendants, would be greater because they would become multiple nations. In other words, “a company of nations.”

In Jeremiah 31:8-10, Israel of the distant future is referred to as “the Isles afar off,” as the people of the “north country” and living on the “coasts of the earth.” Isaiah 49:1 also refers to Israel in prophecy as “O isles.” In Genesis 22:17, God tells Abraham, “I will multiply thy seed as the stars of the heaven, and as the sand which is upon the seashore; and thy seed shall possess the gate of his enemies.” Among the many meanings for this word are port, gateway, inlet, and entryway. In other words, major seaports and waterways. This would make modern Israel a colonizing, conquering people.

Micah 5:7-9 prophesizes that “the remnant of Jacob” (Israel) will be a lion among the nations and can utterly destroy them. These prophecies describe Israel as a major superpower consisting of a single nation (Manasseh) and a company of nations (Ephraim). Two superpowers with huge populations dominating the entire world. Obviously, this doesn’t apply to the modern Jewish nation that calls itself Israel.

In 1967, Herbert W. Armstrong (1892–1986), founder of the Worldwide Church of God, wrote a comprehensive and fascinating book on this topic entitled THE UNITED STATES AND BRITIAN IN PROPHECY that documents why Israel could be the United States and the former, far more vast British Empire. The United States is a single great nation, which is the tribe of Manasseh. The nations that made up much of the now-defunct British Empire—mainly the United Kingdom (England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland), Southern Ireland, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand—are the tribe of Ephraim. The entire book can be read here.

Mr. Armstrong also explains that when Israel fell to the Assyrians, the birthright promise was withheld for over 2,500 years. This is why, after being moved through many nations “as corn is sifted in a sieve,” Amos 9:9, Israel, now the US, and Britain became global superpowers. Starting in the late 16th century, Britain grew into a world empire in 1801. The United States became a world power in 1898, after the Spanish-American War. It’s also interesting to note that, just as ancient Israel consisted of thirteen tribes, the USA originally began with thirteen states.

Mr. Armstrong further explained that modern Israel would have to have a monarchy because King David’s dynasty, which God established forever (II Samuel 8:8-16), was transferred to Israel by the prophet Jeremiah after the Kingdom of Judah fell to the Babylonians. So, according to Mr. Armstrong, King Charles III now sits on David’s throne. And as stated in Luke 1:32, Jesus will take over David’s throne at his second coming, which is why John 4:22 declares, “salvation is of the Jews.” The scepter promise given to Judah represents Christ (Galatians 3:8,16).

All empires, no matter how powerful they are, eventually die. The Bible predicts that modern Israel will fall and be conquered just as it did in the past due to its wickedness, and rightly so. Both the US and British empires have committed genocide many times over. They have supported death squads and dictatorships, engaged in torture, ruthlessly plundered the resources of other countries, overthrew democratically elected governments, and betrayed and exploited their own citizens. So, God will strike them down. The House of Judah, which now calls itself Israel, will suffer the same fate for the same reasons. This is supposed to happen during the time the Bible calls “great tribulation,” Matthew chapter 24, and Revelation chapter 7.

But God won’t abandon Israel, Judah, or the other eight tribes. As explained in Jeremiah chapters 30 and 31:7-12, after a brief period of punishment, God will save Israel and Judah. At the second coming, Jesus himself will rescue them from captivity and bring them back to the promised land, meaning Palestine, in a modern exodus, repeating what Moses did (Jeremiah 23:3-8, Revelation chapter 7). That’s the actual prophecy, which is why a Jewish state that calls itself Israel physically occupying Palestine means absolutely nothing.

Finally, consider this: the people of England are called the British. In the Old Testament, the word covenant is translated from the Hebrew word brit, as explained here and here. The Hebrew word for man in the Old Testament is ish. Get it? British, which in Hebrew means covenant man. Of course, this could just be a coincidence. Or is it?

The Jewish takeover of modern Palestine

Not all of the Jewish people returned to Palestine after the Babylonian exile, as explained here. Many went on to establish settlements in other parts of the Greek and later Roman Empires. They became known as the Diaspora. It was the large Jewish community in Egypt that created the Septuagint, the Greek translation of the Old Testament, between the third and second centuries BC. because they no longer spoke Hebrew.

In the fourth century BC, the Jews in Palestine were conquered by Alexander the Great, experienced periods of conquest and independence after his vast empire fell, and were later conquered by the Roman Republic in the last century BC, which would, under the Emperors, become the Roman Empire.

There were three Jewish rebellions against Roman rule. The first and most famous rebellion (66-73 AD) began under Emperor Nero (37-68) and ended under Emperor Vespasian (9-79). The Romans, upon conquering Jerusalem, destroyed the second temple and prohibited the Jews from rebuilding it. The second rebellion (115-117) under Emperor Trajan (53-117) was called the Kito War. It was fought outside of Palestine. The third rebellion (132-136) under Emperor Hadrian (76-138) was called the Bar Kokhba revolt. As explained here, after the rebellion was crushed, Hadrian outlawed the Jewish religion and kicked the Jews out of Jerusalem, which he renamed Aelia Capitolina. As a result, the Jewish people lost control of their ancestral homeland for the next 1800 years.

In the late 19th century, European and Russian Jews who were being persecuted in their native countries began establishing settlements in Palestine, which was part of the Ottoman Empire that existed from 1299-1922. Nearly 100% of the 500,000 native inhabitants were Arab. At that time, much of Palestine was semi-feudal. Farmers lived and worked on land owned by wealthy absentee owners. The Montefiores and the Rothschilds were among the wealthy Jewish philanthropists who sponsored the settlements and purchased the needed land, which evicted the native inhabitants. While this led to conflict, overall the earliest settlers, as explained in this U.N. document, “had the goodwill and cooperation of the Arabs” until they realized that the Zionist leaders wanted all of Palestine.

In 1897, Theodor Herzal convened the first Zionist Congress in Basel, Switzerland. Participants from seventeen countries attended and established the World Zionist Organization. Herzel was elected its president and began lobbying countries to support and fund the establishment of a Jewish homeland. In this 1896 pamphlet, Herzel promised that the Jewish nation he wanted to establish in Palestine would be “an outpost of civilization as opposed to barbarism” and would “remain in contact with all Europe, which would have to guarantee our existence.” In other words, he was promising that his new Jewish nation would be an extension of Western military power and provide trade opportunities for the rich.

But for the past 130 years, the goal of the Zionists/Israelis is and always has been, as explained here, “to seize and ethically cleanse Palestinian land.” A famous slogan of the early Zionists was “A land without people for a people without land,” which ignored the fact that well over half a million Arabs were living there at the end of the 1890s. But it didn’t matter because, as pointed out in this U.N. study, “the goal of Zionism from the start was the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine. The rights of the people of Palestine themselves received no attention in these plans.”

As shown on the above 1918 map posted on the U.N. website, the World Zionist Organization wanted more than just Palestine. They wanted all of the territory that corresponds to the Kingdom of Solomon, from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea, which also includes parts of Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, and Egypt. This is referred to as Eretz Yisael, or the Land of Israel.

At first, Zionists couldn’t be open about their intention to drive the native population out of Palestine. They had to be more discreet in order to garner support for colonization. In 1895, regarding the Palestinians, Theodor Herzel wrote in his diary:

“We shall try to spirit the penniless population across the border by procuring employment for it in the transit countries, while denying it employment in our country. But the process of expropriation and the removal of the poor must be carried out discreetly and circumspectly.”

After World War I, the Ottoman Empire lost control of Palestine to the British Empire. The Palestinians weren’t happy about being dominated by another imperial empire. But the Jewish Zionists were tickled pink because they needed the aid of a major power to create a Jewish nation, and the British were a lot more sympathetic to their cause. In the 1917 Balfour Declaration, the British Government announced its support for “the establishment of a national home for the Jewish people in Palestine.” This allowed the Zionists to be less cautious about their plans to get rid of the native Palestinians.

In a 1937 letter to his son, David Ben-Gurion (1886-1973), the primary founder of the State of Israel and its first Prime Minister, declared:

“We must expel the Arabs and take their places and if we have to use force, to guarantee our own right to settle in those places—then we have force at our disposal.”

As explained here, in 1920, Ben-Gurion founded a Jewish-only labor union in Palestine called the Histadrut. But this was just a means to a later end, which Ben-Gurion made clear when he stated, “We are not workers. We are conquerors. Conquerors of the land.”

As reported by CounterPunch, “the concept of transfer, a euphemism for expulsion, was embraced by the entire Jewish leadership from the earliest stages of Zionism until the 1948 extirpation of the indigenous population. Transfer committees were actually set up from 1937 on until 1948 in order to study ways of ridding Palestine of as many Arabs as possible.”

The “Architect of Transfer” was Yosef Weitz (1890-1972) of the Jewish National Fund. Weitz was one of the major players in acquiring land for the Yishuv, or Jewish residents, in Palestine prior to the creation of the State of Israel. In 1940, Weitz wrote in his diary:

“It should be clear to us that there is no room in Palestine for these two peoples…Without the Arabs, the land will become wide and spacious for us; with the Arabs, the land will remain sparse and cramped…Not one village, not one tribe should be left…There is no other way out.”

The conflict between Zionist Jews and native Palestinians put the British Government between a rock and a hard place because they wanted to please both sides in order to keep the peace. Their Arab allies helped the British defeat the Ottoman Empire. But a Jewish nation would be more friendly to helping them further their imperial interests. But the Arabs knew the Zionists wanted their entire country to themselves. And in addition to allowing some 300,000 more Jewish settlers into Palestine between 1920 and 1939, one of the major things the British did was give the Zionists military power.

During WWI, five battalions of Jewish Zionists, known as the Jewish Legion, were created by and served in the British Army. After the war, these trained Jewish veterans formed a powerful underground militia called the Haganah (the Hebrew word for defense). It was originally formed to protect Jewish settlers from Arab attacks and to avoid dependency on British troops. The British not only permitted the Haganah to exist; they also trained Zionist strike forces, as in death squads, to massacre Arabs. More militant offshoots of the Haganah later emerged, such as the Irgun and Lehi, also known as the Stern Gang. Both are considered terrorist groups. But the Lehi referred to itself as a terrorist group and admitted to carrying out acts of terrorism. All of these paramilitary groups morphed into the IDF (Israeli Defense Forces) after Israel became a nation in 1948.

The expansion of Jewish settlements displaced more and more Palestinians, creating a huge refugee crisis. In 1936, the refugee crisis, along with lower wages for Arab workers and other forms of discrimination, led to a nationwide strike. The oppressive British response led to a full-scale armed rebellion. As explained here, here, and here, the British Government sent 20,000 troops into Palestine, who were assisted by 15,000 British-trained Zionist militias. The rebellion was put down in 1939 with some 5,000 Palestinians dead, 15,000 to 20,000 wounded, 5,600 imprisoned, and who knows how many were tortured?

1939 was also the year that Britain went to war with Nazi Germany. The last thing they needed were problems elsewhere. So, to appease the Palestinians and the neighboring Arab countries, the British Government greatly limited Jewish immigration into Palestine, deported Jews who entered Palestine illegally, put restrictions on Jewish land purchases, and promised that an independent Arab state would be created within the next ten years. Britain also refused to allow Jews trying to escape the Holocaust into Palestine and refused to admit Holocaust survivors after the war. This infuriated the Zionist Militia groups, who launched terrorist attacks against the British military forces starting in 1944, when the war was almost over and it was clear that the Axis Powers (Germany, Italy, and Japan) were going to lose.

Numerous terrorist attacks and murders were carried out by Irgun alone, as documented here. One of their most famous acts of brutality was bombing the King David Hotel in 1946 because it was a British military command center. 91 Arabs, British, and Jews were killed. The leader of the Irgun was Menachem Begin (1913-1992). This terrorist would later become Prime Minister of Israel from 1977-1983. But by 1947, no matter how brutally the British responded to the Zionist attacks, they were attacked right back, which was costing them enormous amounts of money and damaging their relations with other countries, including the US. So, in 1947, the British turned the Frankenstein monster they had created over to the U.N.

As explained in this U.N. document, despite the fact that the Jewish Zionists “owned no more than 6 per cent of the total land area of Palestine,” the U.N. General Assembly gave them “about 54 per cent of the total land area of the country.” As shown on the above map on the left, the Arab’s portion was divided into three separate sections. This led to the civil war of 1947 to 1949, which Arabs call the Nakba, the Arabic word for catastrophe.

Aided by an army of volunteers from various Arab countries, the native Palestinians fought for their homeland. After declaring independence a few months into the fighting, Ben-Gurion later claimed “that Israel was a country of 700,000 fighting against thirty million Arabs.” In reality, Israel and the Arabs they were fighting each had about 100,000 men. Ben-Gurion also admitted to his cabinet “that Arab hostility grew out of the fact that ‘hundreds of thousands of refugees have been expelled from their homes.” And, as reported by Oxford Academic, the Zionists began driving the Palestinians from their country before the Arab Liberation Army invasion. Since the Arab armies were small, uncoordinated, and not as well-armed as the Israelis, they were no match for them.

When this civil war ended in 1949, over 700,000 Palestinians were kicked out of their homeland. 400-600 Palestinian villages were destroyed, and the people, including women and children, were either massacred and dumped into mass graves or forced to flee. Many were also tortured and raped. To prevent the Palestinians from returning, wells were poisoned and villages were utterly destroyed. Laws were then passed by the new Israeli government to ban Palestinians from returning to claim their property. Last year, the U.N., for the first time in 75 years, commemorated “the historic injustice suffered by the Palestinians” due to Israel’s actions “and to spotlight the ongoing refugee crisis.”

In 1967, after a series of disputes and military skirmishes with Jordan, Syria, and Egypt, which had formed an alliance, Israel launched a preemptive attack on them. This was known as the Six-Day War because that’s how quickly Israel defeated all three countries, which allowed them to seize the Gaza Strip, most of the Golan Heights in Syria, the West Bank in Jordan, which included East Jerusalem, enabling them to claim the entire city as their capital, and the Sinai Peninsula in Egypt. After signing a peace treaty with Egypt in 1982, Israel gave back the Sinai Peninsula. As explained here, all of these occupations are considered illegal and have caused a huge refugee crisis. The pink areas on the above map show the illegally occupied territories.

The atrocities continue

Thanks to Israel, “Palestinians are the largest refugee group in the world.” Over five million are living in 68 refugee camps throughout the Middle East, as documented here and here. A number of them have been in existence since 1948. For decades, many lived in tents. Many now live in cramped one-room dwellings without adequate sewage, sanitation, or access to adequate medical care. The current war has rendered even more Palestinians homeless. As reported here, many of them can’t even find tents.

Although a percentage of Palestinian Arabs who remain in Israel have citizenship, can vote, and hold some government positions, as reported by the Council on Foreign Relations, they have no real power over Israeli policies and still live under a brutal apartheid system that denies them equal rights and equal opportunities.

The U.N. and H.R.W. (Human Rights Watch) report that many Palestinians, especially the ones in Gaza and the West Bank, live in security zones separated from the rest of the country by “the barrier,” which is over 443 miles of concrete walls, fences, ditches, and razor wire that include an electronic monitoring system, patrol roads, and military checkpoints. These Palestinians aren’t free to travel within the country and have been separated from their families. Palestinians living in the occupied territories can be arbitrarily arrested, detained without trial, see their homes confiscated and demolished, and be arbitrarily deported. They can be beaten and killed for any reason. They have no legal way to seek justice because Israel controls all of Palestine, including the parts supposedly controlled by the native Palestinians.

How is Israel able to get away with all these blatant violations of international laws against apartheid and crimes against humanity? Due to backing from the US, which is the world’s only remaining superpower, and by lying their asses off. For example, Ben-Gurion claimed that in 1948, the Arabs left Palestine in a mass exodus voluntarily. Zionist leaders also continue to insist that they want to share Palestine with the Arabs when they never had any intention of doing so. As reported here, here, here, here, and here, the Israeli government doesn’t consider the Palestinians human beings and even denies their existence as a nation.

As stated in this U.N. report:

“What we have here is the lack of recognition of the Arab people as human beings. This attitude is as racist as any attitude the Nazis ever held toward the Jews.”

My terse definition of Fascism is promoting and carrying out genocide. A fascist is someone who advocates and practices genocide, which is what the Israeli government is doing. Therefore, Israel is a fascist state. Fascists are filled-with-rage, sadistic people who need to bully and hurt others in order to feel special and superior. And when those that they brutally oppress fight back, they play the victim by claiming, “We didn’t do anything. They attacked us. We were just defending ourselves.”

And what about Hamas? Is what they did justified? Didn’t Israel have a right to retaliate? The question is irrelevant because Israel created the situation in the first place, as explained by Dr. Norman Finkelsten, PhD, in this interview. But this is what defenders of Israeli genocide will do: ask questions like, “Do you condone what Hamas did?” to distract people from the real issue. Watch this British student shut down two journalists in this UK interview, courtesy of the Humanist Report, when they tried this ploy on her.

But as reported last June, a thorough investigation by the U.N. Independent International Commission of Inquiry concluded that “Israeli authorities are responsible for war crimes and crimes against humanity committed during the military operations and attacks in Gaza since 7 October 2023.” And while the U.N. Commission pointed out that Palestinian armed groups are also committing war crimes, these are nothing compared to the havoc wrought by the massive military might of Israel, as in deliberately murdering civilians, including medical personnel, illegal mass destruction of civilian targets, including hospitals and water supplies, starving the Palestinians and denying the wounded medical attention by not allowing food, water, and medical supplies to reach them, torture, inhuman and cruel treatment, such as forced public nudity, and attacking evacuation routes and areas designated as safe “for strategic political gains.”

Politics is a lot like stage magic. What’s important is not what has actually taken place, but what the audience or public thinks has taken place. So, naturally, Israel denounced the U.N. report, denied it’s committing war crimes, “obstructed the commission’s investigations and prevented its access to Israel and the occupied Palestinian territory.” And although past US presidents did support and arm Israel, they didn’t give it carte blanche to do whatever it liked. In fact, as reported here, Biden Has always had the Power to Stop Israel’s War crimes in Gaza with a phone call.

For example, in the 1950s, Israel, in cahoots with France and the UK, seized Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula. President Dwight D. Eisenhower (1890-1969) said no to it, and they were forced to withdraw. In 1982, President Ronald Reagan (1911-2004) allowed Israel to bomb Lebanon. But when the Israelis started attacking civilian targets, Reagan telephoned then-Prime Minister Menachem Begin and told him he was perpetrating a holocaust. He ordered Begin to stop attacking Lebanon. Begin ordered his bombers to stop the attack. And when President Joe Biden told Israel to allow humanitarian aid into Gaza, Israel’s Defense Minister Yoav Gallant admitted that “we are not in a place where we can refuse them. We rely on them for planes and military equipment. What are we supposed to do? Tell them no?” Nevertheless, Biden refuses to admit Israel is committing genocide and won’t order them to end the war.

Bottom line: In the case of Biden and Trump, it doesn’t matter which of these decaying old relics wins the presidential election this November. Nothing will change when it comes to the plight of the Palestinian people. Both of them are moral monsters who will continue to support genocide. The same applies to most members of Congress. The US government, like the Israeli government, is dominated by fascists, terrorists, and psychopaths.

The US organization Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) summed it up best in this report:

“Remember that the original violence of the Nakba, the ethnic cleansing of the land of Palestinians, continues on a daily basis to this day. The process of colonization never stopped. Although today we call them ‘facts on the ground’, and Palestinians are talked about, not as equal human beings with the same hopes aspirations and rights to freedom, but rather as a ‘demographic threat.”

We cannot allow this injustice and cruelty to go on, folks. We must make every effort to put a stop to it. The entire world must continue to speak out. But it’s here in the USA that the real battle is to be fought. Without support and weapons from the United States, Israel is nothing. We need to ban AIPAC and other pro-Israel lobbying groups. In fact, we need to ban all corporate lobbyists, period. We also need to be more discreet as voters and stop electing right-wing pro-war ideologues. In fact, we really need to stop voting for the Democratic and Republican Parties. We need to truly make America great again by standing up for peace and freedom instead of fascism and war.

Closing thoughts

If you don’t believe in liberty and justice for all, then you don’t believe in freedom—you believe in privilege. If you believe that your race, social status, sexual orientation, religion, or gender make you better than others, then you are better than no one. If you believe that patriotism is waving the American flag and chanting “USA, USA,” then you don’t know what patriotism is.

Bottom line: if you don’t believe in human rights for everyone, then you have lost your humanity.

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